FIRE MARSHAL TOOLKIT Aircraft Hangar Fire Protection Regulations n Most jurisdictions require compliance with National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standard 409, Standard on Aircraſt Hangars. NFPA 409 classifies aircraſt hangars into four “groups” (See chart below). n Hangars storing fueled aircraſt must have a foam-water fire suppression system. Unfueled aircraſt can be protected by water-only sprinklers. n The purpose of a foam fire suppression system is to control/extinguish a fire related to a fuel spill. The overhead fire sprinkler system is designed to control fires not related to a fuel spill. GROUP I NFPA 409 Classifies Aircraft Hangars Into Four “Groups” GROUP II Door height greater than 28 feet OR Fire area (hangar bay) greater than 40,000 square feet Door height 28 feet or less AND Fire area (hangar bay) less than 40,000 square feet Most FBOs and Storage Hangars fall under the Group II classification, however, some may be classified as Group I. OPTION 1 Deluge (open-head), AFFF-water sprinkler system with low-level foam system if the aircraſt wing area is greater than 3,000 square feet OPTION 2 Closed-head, water only sprinkler system with low-level, AFFF foam system OPTION 3 Closed-head, water only sprinkler system with low-level, high-expansion foam system Fire Protection System Requirements OPTION 1 Any system permitted for a Group I hangar OPTION 2 Closed-head, AFFF-water sprinkler system OPTION 3 Closed-head, water only sprinkler system with low-level, AFFF foam system. OPTION 4 Closed-head, water only sprinkler system with low-level, high-expansion foam system Note: The IBC exempts a Group II FBO hangar, storing transient aircraſt only, from foam requirements. Water-only sprinkler system if required by building code For hazardous operations, provide any system permitted for a Group II hangar GROUP IV Membrane covered hangars, regardless of size Fire area (hangar bay) greater than 12,000 square feet: low-level AFFF or high-expansion system. Fire area (hangar bay) less than 12,000 square feet and hazardous operations: Automatic sprinkler system. National Air Transportation Association 818 Connecticut Avenue, NW • Suite 900 • Washington, DC 20006 (202) 774-1535 • (800) 808-6282 • Email: [email protected] nata. aero GROUP III Door height 28 feet or less AND Fire area (hangar bay) typically less than 12,000 square feet (actual area based on construction type)