Marijuana and Safety-Sensitive Functions Don’t Mix Continued from page 69 be removed from their safety-sensitive function which can cause a loss of wages, a reduction of workforce for the employer and other business risks. The employee would be required to complete the Return-to-Duty process prior to resuming work in any safety-sensitive role, assuming the company does not have a zero-toler- ance policy. This process is extensive and can be quite costly when including the price of a Substance Abuse Professional, completing the required treatment, and follow-up testing. A second violation by that regulated employee would permanently preclude him/her from performing that safety-sensitive function. Combatting marijuana use by safety-sensitive employ- ees is a real struggle across the aviation industry. Unlike alcohol, off-duty use does show up in drug tests, even weeks after initial use. Keeping employees informed of the laws and regulations, as well as clarifying the difference between state laws and federal regulations can help reduce this risk within your company and for the employee. It can also be a sensitive subject when non-regulated employees are not required to follow the same guidelines. State and local laws may prohibit some non-DOT testing that is required for DOT drug and alcohol programs. Explaining these differences to safety-sensitive employees and post- ing the regulations in common areas can help reduce confusion and keeps everyone on the same page. Another risk that employees face is accidental con- sumption of marijuana, particularly in states that have legalized recreational use. It’s as easy as grabbing a brownie while at a party and inadvertently ingesting marijuana. Most edible marijuana products are made into brownies, cookies and candy, which is why it’s imperative regulated employees are educated and avoid any items where the ingredients aren’t listed. Even if the marijuana use is not intentional, an employee would still receive a violation, if they tested positive. Marijuana use by employees can have safety con- sequences as well. The National Safety Council (NSC) found that car crashes involving marijuana went up 300% between 2010 and 2013, and they continue to rise as more states legalize the drug. Marijuana is 10 to 20 times stronger today than it was in the 1960s and Aviation Business Journal | Fall 2019 Unlike alcohol, off-duty (marijuana) use does show up in drug tests, even weeks after initial use. ‘70s. The NSC also found that marijuana use caused decreased productivity, increased worker compensation and unemployment compensation claims, high turnover and lawsuits. According to a study posted by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, employees who tested positive for marijuana on a pre-employment urine drug test had 55% more industrial accidents, 85% more injuries, and 75% greater absenteeism compared to employees who tested negative. Per the CDC, 1 in 10 marijuana users will become addicted. For individuals that began using marijuana younger than 18 years old, 1 in 6 become addicted. A fatal dose of marijuana is unlikely, but overuse can cause a list of issues including extreme confusion, anxiety, panic, increased blood pressure, severe nausea or vomiting, paranoia, and delusions or hallucinations. These types of reactions can lead to increased accidents like a car crash or fall. If an employee is struggling with addiction and needs assistance, many resources are available to assist them on the road to recovery. The Substance Abuse Treatment Locator ( is just one option when finding a treatment option in their area. Whitney Sigafoose, Manager of Client Services, has been with NATA Compliance Services for over 3 years. Since her introduction to aviation, she has excelled in becoming an expert in regulatory requirements to support the General Aviation Community. Her knowledge and love for teaching has built lasting relationships with our clients and government officials within TSA, FAA and DOT. Whitney’s goal is to continue to educate our clients in security related topics and regulatory compliance. 71